About the Journal
The Australian Journal of Islamic Studies is an international open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the scholarly study of Islam and Muslims. Contributions are encouraged from Islam and Muslim related disciplines and sub-disciplines; these may include theology, philosophy, sociology, jurisprudence, contemporary studies, comparative religion, spirituality, Qur’anic and Sunnah studies, history and art.
AJIS is managed by Professor Mehmet Ozalp (Editor-in-Chief), Associate Professor Zuleyha Keskin (Editor-in-Chief), Dr Suleyman Sertkaya (Managing Editor), and Mirela Cufurovic (Assistant Editor).
AJIS publishes at least three volumes per year. Journal items are published collectively, as part of an issue with a table of contents. Special issues of the journal are overseen by Guest Editors.
Refer to the Submit to AJIS tab for more information on how to submit manuscripts to the AJIS.