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Ethics Statement

The Australian Journal of Islamic Studies (AJIS) is committed to upholding a rigorous peer-review process together with clear ethical policies and standards. Articles published by AJIS are under the editorial decision of its editorial board where strict guidelines are followed regarding the accuracy, completeness, and originality of each article published, including adherence to editorial policies and ethical policies as outlined below.

All submissions made to AJIS must not only adhere to our ethical policies and guidelines, but also individual journal guidelines and author guidelines in order to be considered for publication. The AJIS editorial team performs checks on all submissions to confirm they are written in accordance with our ethical guidelines and editorial principles. When an issue is flagged or AJIS is aware of a breach of these guidelines, the editorial team will take necessary action to maintain the integrity of the literature presented in the article and, where applicable, ensure the safety of the research participants referred to in the article.

For successful acceptance of an article to AJIS, authors should ensure that their submission meets the following guidelines. Authors should:

  • Uphold accurate authorship, where all contributing authors are listed in the submission process and acknowledged accordingly.
  • Understand that submissions to more than one journal outside of AJIS is not permitted until a decision regarding the submitted article is made by the editorial team.
  • Present their research findings correctly and accurately, with an objective discussion on the significance of their findings.
  • Ensure that their data and methods are clear, concise, and replicable so that other researchers can engage with the data and develop new findings.
  • Disclose any potential instances of conflict of interest during the submission process.
  • Submit articles that are original, in line with AJIS aims and scope, and that have not been published elsewhere, including any translated versions of the same submission.
  • Obtain permission to publish any images, tables, quotes, or data from the copyright holder for any content used in the article that has been previously published elsewhere.
  • Let the editorial team know of any errors or inaccuracies found in the submission after publication as soon as possible.
  • Avoid citing AI or AI-assisted technologies in their authorship as they do not meet authorship criteria and cannot be listed as authors in the submission.
  • Declare any use of AI or AI-assisted technologies and tools in their submission, including being transparent about how these tools were used and the AI product details.
  • Understand that authors are completely responsible for the integrity, originality, and validity of the content of their submission to AJIS and must ensure that it complies with AJIS ethical standards and practices.

This list is not exhaustive. All authors should be aware of ethical practices and legal considerations in the academic publishing industry prior to publishing with AJIS. Some examples of ethical misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Breaches in copyright
  • Image or data manipulation or fabrication
  • Plagiarism or self-plagiarism
  • Undeclared use of AI or AI-assisted technologies
  • Affiliation misrepresentation
  • Citation manipulation
  • Undisclosed competing interests
  • Duplicate submission or publication
  • Peer review manipulation
  • Unethical research

AJIS prides itself on ensuring ethical practices are strictly adhered to. AJIS strongly abides by the following ethical principles:

  • Prevention: carefully assessing all submissions for potential ethical breaches throughout the submission process.
  • Impartiality: to be fair and objective in assessments.
  • Transparency: keeping all authors, reviewers, and editors informed during all stages of the submission process and allowing an appropriate response time.
  • Reliability: ensuring that all policies, ethics or otherwise, are followed consistently to maintain the integrity of the journal and ensure best practice by the journal.

Are you considering AJIS for publication? Before you submit, go through this ethics checklist:

  • I have read the journal’s ethics guidelines outlined above.
  • I have read the journal’s Author Guidelines and carefully followed all instructions set by the journal under Submission Checklist.
  • I have acknowledged all authors on the paper and in my online submission form.
  • I have notified all the co-authors of my submitting the article to AJIS.
  • I have referenced all material clearly, thoroughly, and according to AJIS referencing guidelines outlined in the Author Guidelines section of the website.
  • I have declared all and relevant competing interests to the journal.
  • I have obtained written permission to reuse any images, tables, data, figures, or other pre-published material in accordance with copyright law.
  • I have only submitted to AJIS, and my article is not under consideration elsewhere.