ANZAC Muslims: An Untold Story
When the Commonwealth of Australia became immersed in two World Wars, Australian Muslims accepted the national call – they shed their blood and gave their lives for Australia’s freedom and democracy. With their Australian brothers-in-arms and allies they fought courageously with honour against their common enemies in different battlefields – but this is an almost forgotten history.
Muslims in Australia were challenged by Britain’s imperial might and by their status as British subjects and ‘aliens’ to take part in ANZAC showing their commitment to their adopted country. The virtue of justice, sense of responsibility and loyalty are peculiar qualities that find their full justification in the organised welfare of Australian society.
This pioneering article, based on ongoing research on ANZAC Muslims, makes known their unique contribution. It reveals historic facts about ANZAC Muslims who were members of what has come to be known as the Heroic Generation. Although their names have not appeared in history books, they achieved the glory of victory for a better future for new generations to come. Their contribution is part of Australian National Heritage – Lest we forget.
Australian Muslims, ANZAC, World War, Loyalty, Islam
Author Biography
Dzavid Haveric
Dr Dzavid Haveric (PhD Vic Uni., MA Deakin Uni.) is an Adjunct Research Fellow at Charles Sturt University - Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation, and a Research Associate at the Museum Victoria - Humanities Department. He has worked as a Project Officer and Program Assistant at the Parliament of the World's Religions (Melbourne) within the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC). He was a Research Assistant and Project Worker at the Institute for Community, Ethnicity and Policy Alternatives (ICEPA), Victoria University. He also worked as a reporter at the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Radio Program for the Bosnian Community. He is the author of a number of books.
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