Vernacular Tafsir in Madura: Negotiating Idea of Human Equality in the Social Hierarchical Tradition

The Madurese tradition has three hierarchical levels that symbolise the social stratification expressed in its daily language. However, the Qur’ān teaches human equality before God. This article investigates how vernacular tafsir – Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya Bahasa Madura – negotiates between the Madurese language and cultural background of social stratification on one side and the Qur’ānic spirit of human equality on the other side. The socio-historical approach and linguistic interpretation are employed to pursue the goal. This article finds that translation of the Qur’ān is a cultural work besides being religious. So, the relationship between Madurese translation as vernacular tafsir of the Qur’ān and local tradition is reciprocal. The vernacular tafsir negotiates the idea of human equality in two ways: choosing the kasar (lower level) style among other styles available in the Madurese language and shifting the base of levels from social hierarchy among human peers to the hierarchy between God and His creatures.
Madurese, Indonesia, Qur'an translation, Vernacular, Human equality, Stratification
Author Biography
Ulya Fikriyati
Department of Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
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