Universal Aspects of the Qur’ān’s Inimitability and Proofs of Prophethood: Said Nursi’s Interpretation
In the face of the threats to religious belief posed by materialistic currents of thought during his lifetime, Said Nursi gave paramount importance to the doctrine of the Qur’ān’s inimitability as proof of the authenticity of the Qur’ānic revelation and the prophethood of Muḥammad, such proof having been the primary motive in the doctrine’s formulation from the third/ninth century. The Qur’ān’s inimitability was established as residing in its composition and unsurpassed rhetorical and literary qualities. Emulating the earlier masters of Qur’ānic exegesis as well as drawing on other sources, Said Nursi adduced numerous proofs and arguments for the Qur’ān’s universality, by which was meant its containing multiple levels of meaning so as to address all times and all peoples. Nursi’s overarching aim in emphasising specific aspects of the Qur’ān’s universality and the attendant proofs of Muhammad’s prophethood was to demonstrate their continued relevance in the contemporary world.
Qur’ān’s inimitability, Qur’ān’s universality, Rhetorical exegesis, Proofs of prophethood
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