Treatment of Non-Muslims in Moderate Saudi in Muhammad Bin Salman’s Religious Reform
This study tries to highlight the changes and breakthroughs that Muhammad bin Salma echoes in the Saudi Vision 2030, particularly in the aspect of treatment of non-Muslim groups. As mentioned above, this group experienced a lot of discrimination and persecution during the previous administration. As promised by the Prince, the government that was previously conservative will be returned to a more moderate direction. However, it is necessary to further explore whether the application and practice of moderate Islam includes the relationship between the state and non-Muslims in this country or not. For this reason, this study will compare several policies before Muhammad bin Salman era and their changes (if any) after the reforms carried out by the Prince. This research shows that Muhammad bin Salman has initiated some changes in relations with non-Muslims at the global level. Some changes in formal textbooks in schools have also been made towards a more moderate ideology. However, the changes in religious reforms brought by the Prince were limited to a symbolic level and were more external in nature. Meanwhile, domestic commitments related to the management of diversity and the fulfillment of the rights to freedom of religion have yet to be seen in real policies that provide rights for non-Muslims.
Moderate Islam, Non-Muslims, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Vision, MbS Reform
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