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The Role of Reason in Establishing Civilization: Insights from Classical Muslim Perspectives


The role of reason in initiating and maintaining civilisation, as elucidated by Abū al-Ḥasan al-Māwardī (d. 1058), is pivotal, serving as the faculty for distinguishing good from bad and guiding behaviour. Al-Māwardī divides reason into two stages: natural and acquired. This understanding of reason is shared by other scholars, such as al-Muḥāsibī (d. 857) and Ibn abi al-Dunyā (d. 894). Hawá or desire is seen as antithesis to reason, serving as a manifestation of ethical corruption and instigating perpetual conflict. To build any society, reason takes a central role at individual and societal levels. This article argues that there are no possibilities for a civilisation to be constituted and maintained without a central role for reason. This article analyses al- Māwardi’s conception of reason in relation to civilisation. Al-Māwardī contends that reason not only serves as the cornerstone for societal development, but also facilitates understanding of religion, an essential aspect in his ideology. This article concludes that deep understanding of reason’s role in civilisation provides an appropriate direction for understanding civilisation and how reason can enhance and improve people’s decent conduct and manners.


Al-Māwardī, Reason, Civilisation, Ethics, Islamic thought, Ibn Abi al-Dunyā, al-Muḥāsibī, Islamic civilisation



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